
Nov 20, 20202 min

E - Excuses are for losers

Excuses are the crutch that losers lean on when they hobble home after defeat. Now, that doesn't mean that everyone who loses a game is a loser with an excuse. No, true winners are successful even in the face of defeat because they own their mistakes, learn from them, then leave them in the past.

No More Excuses

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The problem with excuses is that nobody believes them. Unless people are truly idiots, they will not be stupid enough to believe your excuses. Maybe a couple of people who love you will nod their heads in agreement, or pat your back. But the vast majority of people will smell your BS a mile away.

Anybody in the know, like scouts, coaches, or other players, will know the truth anyway.... no matter what you tell them. Lying to them about bad officiating, slippery floors, or whatever other problem stopped you from playing up to your potential, will only make them lose respect for you.

If you want players, coaches, and scouts to respect you and your game, own your mistakes. Be upfront about it. Admit that you were responsible for your performance and find a way to be better next time.

What to do with a mistake: Recognize it. Admit it. Learn from it. Forget it. Dean Smith

When you master the ability to deal with mistakes in a mature and professional way, your game will begin to improve immediately. You will be able to get back to the game or practice, get your focus back and accomplish the goals you initially set out to achieve.


Don't let one mistake become two. Pick your head up, own it and get back to business.
