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Helpside Hoops: Who are we?

Updated: Nov 6, 2020

Hi everyone! I would like to start out by introducing myself and my new website. My goal is to offer basketball players and coaches a comprehensive resource for all their basketball needs. As I am just starting out with this new platform, there will definitely be gaps in the content. But, over time, I hope to fill these gaps with everything you are looking for. That being said, please get in touch with me and let me know what you would like to see here on Helpside Hoops.

Who Am I

My name is Coach Keith (commonly Coach K, but Mike Krzyzewski seems to have that one locked down!) and I founded Helpside Hoops out of my passion for the game of basketball and a feeling that this passion is somewhat lacking in Germany.

Being raised in Canada, sports were a dominant part of local culture, where basketball and hockey were at the forefront of that culture. When I came to Germany, this passion for local sports seemed to be missing. Perhaps it's because Hamburg is such a large city and the local team is not as clear as it is in small town Canada. I will probably never bring basketball to the forefront in Germany, but if I can help ignite the passion for the sport in a few young players along the way, I will walk away with my head held high.

What do I do?

My goal here with Helpside Hoops is to create a one-stop resource for players and coaches. I offer two seperate Helpside Handbooks - one for coaches and one for players. These handbooks will have drills, plays and guides to improving skills, practice efficiency and the enjoyment of the game we all love.

Along with the handbooks, I will be writing a blog (as often as time will permit) where I will discuss coaching topics, current events in basketball and specific questions from you, the Helpside Community.

There is also a forum where you can post questions and concerns about your basketball journey. I will do my best to respond quickly to all your questions, but this is also a place for our community to come together and share ideas and help each other out. The beauty of our sport is teamwork and this is something I would like to see exemplified on this site.

So, browse the site, take what information and help you can, leave a question, comment or answer and be active in the community. I look forward to your feedback!

The Final Buzzer

If there is something you are looking for but could not find it here, please let me know and I will add it to the list, (which seems to get bigger every day!) and get it online as soon as possible. I wish you and your players all the success they deserve!

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